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Learn about the functionality of sensors and how to create the optimal sensor solution for your particular production plant.

As the leading provider of sensor technology, we offer you valuable knowledge through our two webinars, about the usage of sensors on machine level but also the data they can provide to optimise your production flow.

May 27th | Tips & tricks for choosing the right sensors

Sensor technologies: practical advise for choosing the right sensor for a stable application

Get tips and tricks to detection principles and how to choose the appropriate sensor technology for your task at hand. The webinar will combine theory with actual demonstrations making it easy to understand how you detect transparent surfaces, disturbing backgrounds and more. You will also be guided through the usage of fiber-optic sensors for more demanding applications.

The webinar is targeted technical staff working with Machine sensors regularly.

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May 28th | How to improve Machine Availability with Smarter Sensors?

How to Improve Machine Availability with Smarter Sensors?

Learn which new sensor technologies are available to help you to increase your machines availability (OEE) to higher level. Discover how simple it is to start digitizing any machine you have and start receiving OEE graphs/data within less than one hour.

The webinar is targeted Managers looking into ways of optimising factory productivity.

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