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Electric vehicle manufacturing is no longer the future — it’s the now. As the key players in the industry collaborate to develop affordable and efficient electric vehicles, OMRON sets itself apart as a premier industrial automation leader. We are here to guide and support you throughout your EV endeavor.

Serving as a stanchion in the electric vehicle manufacturing industry, we have the comprehensive experience needed to provide you with personalized solutions that optimize and automate your processes. At OMRON, we are long-time pioneers in automation, and we are proud to provide our customers with both global support and innovative resources.

Targeted Solutions

Uncover the electric vehicle manufacturing process

As you seek to accelerate your EV manufacturing through automation, you need to first develop an intimate understanding of the process. The Omron interactive EV manufacturing e-book explores solutions for:

  • ADAS, ECU and Electronics Manufacturing
  • Battery and Fuel Cell Manufacturing
  • Electric Vehicle Subassembly
  • Electric Vehicle Final Assembly

Addressing growing demand with an optimized process

Demand for EV batteries is expected to increase exponentially, with Reuters predicting that the global market for these supplies could reach up to $250 billion by 2030. Battery manufacturers are going to be required to immediately address growing demand while prioritizing continued innovation. Omron’s expansive technology portfolio proves that we can support your battery and fuel cell manufacturing processes by: 

  • Automating the manufacturing process.
  • Optimizing production.
  • Prioritizing quality assurance every step of the way.

Uncover our battery and fuel cell solutions today


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EV transition made easy: Top three challenges to overcome in automotive manufacturing

23. november 2023 The transition to electric vehicles is a challenging path for automotive manufacturers. Long-established companies that have traditionally produced vehicles with combustion engines are now venturing into an entirely new realm of vehicle platforms. Let us investigate the top challenges facing the electric vehicle manufacturing industry and explore the latest innovative solutions on the horizon.

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Moving to e-mobility: seven tips for success

8. september 2020 To meet today's challenges and to remain competitive, European manufacturers and suppliers companies must reposition themselves and develop new, innovative and integrated strategies to future-proof their production and processes.

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Our Partners

Through the OMRON Innovation Network, we are bridging the gap between our technology and fully integrated systems and solutions. By closely collaborating with strategic partners, we tap into their collective knowledge, expertise, and shared drive to provide a clear pathway for customers to realise solutions to their manufacturing challenges.

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AFRY delivers complete turn-key automation solutions, from prestudy to commissioning, specializing in production lines for automotive OEMs, machine integration, material handling, and advanced manufacturing.

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Electric Vehicle Manufacturing

OMRON’s breadth of technology, experience, global support and resources provide customers with expert, high-value help in finding solutions for EV applications.

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