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Enriching the Future for people, industries and the Globe by innovative Automation

OMRON Industrial Automation’s Long-Term Vision

Shaping the Future 2030

By pursuing new automation strategies that promote sustainable industrial development, OMRON is helping to enable a future society in which both people and our planet can flourish together, and all people can enjoy ready access to excellent food, healthcare, and housing.

Our Vision

By solving social issues with automation, we can build a prosperous future

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windmills misc


Manufacturing innovation concept for solving social dilemmas from the manufacturing site

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i-automation small logo

Our Strengths

Offering a wide range of control devices and control applications worldwide, all developed from an on-site perspective

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automation products portfolio newsmulti prod

Our European Automation Centers

At the frontlines of i-Automation! innovation, we work together with our customers to turn automation concepts into real-life innovate applications.

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proof-of-concept european poc labs b fcard comp

Our Worldwide Production Facilities

Strategically implementing i-Automation! to create the factory of the future

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autonomous & collaborative manufacturing bboard sol

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