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Let's START and innovate together!

Teaching Industrial Automation to the Next Generation of Engineers

Many educational institutions have a hard time keeping track of state-of-the-art innovative industrial manufacturing solutions; although it is essential for students to successfully find their professional way after earning their degree. To help technical schools and universities bridge that gap OMRON initiated its cutting edge START-program. 

START is a complete academic platform that offers a quick and easy eLearning environment for students and teachers. Combined with OMRON’s latest i-Automation! technology the future of manufacturing can be brought right into the classroom to benefit the automation experts of tomorrow. Learn online and gather experience in the class room with advanced motion, vision, sensors, safety and robotics.

The best thing about START is that it is surprisingly easy to start with and it can be tailored to fit the specific needs of any technical education.

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How to teach Industry 4.0 solutions?

START for teachers

OMRON’s eLearning platform offers teachers a simple and effective tool to make resources available to their students, give assignments and to monitor their progress through our secure online START-application. We customize our eLearning and classroom program to your specific needs.

Our easy learning environment covers new developments in digitization, industry 4.0 and industrial automation novelties. OMRON offers special educational licenses for its advanced SYSMAC software suite and affordable academic discounts for hardware to experiment with in the classroom lab.

START for students

Students will easily find their way in OMRON’s eLearning platform to gain expertise, gather insights and to test their knowledge. The platform features extensive documentation, explanations and practical tips and tricks to capture the attention of students and challenge them to learn more.

START offers students of any level the professional background needed to experiment with advanced motion, vision, sensors, safety and robotics in the classroom setting. Making their understanding more thorough, quicker and more rewarding. Lining up their skills to today’s challenging industries.

Quick, Simple & Safe eLearning environment

What is eLearning

We know how busy teachers are, so we want to assist by creating ready-to-go training materials and exercises for all our START-modules: Motion, Vision, Sensors, Safety and Robotics. You have access to all the available exercises and training materials, for a small fee, from our website under the “eLearning”-section. We update exercises regularly to keep them aligned with the latest industry developments for the benefit of the students. 

Teachers are able to view the progress of students in our eLearning environment. Please contact your local sales office for more information.

You can explore our extensive training portfolio on our webpage, login to eLearning or gain access to the course materials you used during one of our many classroom based training courses, from a single login. All our training products are categorised by product groups and by our core machine automation platform Sysmac.

Through the individual course pages, you can sign into our scheduled programs, or request a customised course to be delivered on-site, or in one of our regional Training Centres.

  • Office training classes for teachers

  • Live online training sessions to make sure all the teachers will have up-to-date information about Sysmac’s new features (students can also join)

  • eLearning training materials

  • Onsite training possibilities

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