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OMRON Industrial Automation’s Long-Term Vision

Enriching the future for people, industries and the globe by innovative automation

The manufacturing industry is at a historical turning point, and the role of automation, a driver of progress in the industry, is also undergoing dramatic change. Manufacturing today has to do more than just pursue material abundance and industry growth: it must also be sustainable. It has to be able to build a sense of purpose and increase work satisfaction among factory workers, and help preserve the Earth's environment.

  • Automation that drives industrial development to generate technological innovation.
  • Automation that allows people to unleash their full potential and feel fulfilled in their work.
  • Sustainable automation that co-exists with the global environment.

Delivering this kind of automation requires a deep understanding of society, the manufacturing industry, the production site, and the people working there.

We at OMRON strive to create new means of automation by marshaling our years of experience confronting difficult challenges on the manufacturing site and applying the problem-solving capabilities we have developed along the way. Through these efforts, we will contribute to create a future society that allows both people and our planet to continue to flourish, while enabling the sustainable industrial progress foundational to prosperous living.


Innovating production sites to build a sustainable future

Our concept for innovating manufacturing, makes such new means of automation possible, and solves social issues on the manufacturing site. That is i-Automation!

It helps the manufacturing industry overcome dilemmas to drive sustainable manufacturing that not only spurs industrial progress but also places value on worker satisfaction and the global environment.

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Shaping the Future 2023

Empowering People Through Automation

OMRON has announced its long-term vision, “Shaping the Future 2030,” in which we pledge to create social value through automation and help build a future where a prosperous society can exist while people are allowed to be their true selves.

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