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Product Lifecycle Status

How does it work?

To support you to maximize your investment in your automation system, we open the possibility to check product life cycle status of Items you are using and get additional information on alternative products. Product life cycle of Omron products is typically above 20 years. We would help you meet demand of innovation, including clearly identifying a product's current lifecycle stage. This make easier for you to proactively plan and manage the transition to more modern technologies.

Search tool helps you finding relevant information by ordering code.

Lifecycle Status Definitions

  • Active status (green): Product is fully supported. 
  • In discontinuation status (orange): product in End Of Life. Discontinued date announced - Actively execute migrations and last time buys. *1
  • Discontinued status (red): Product no longer manufactured or procured. Repair services may be available. *2 *3
*1 Product generally orderable up to 3 months before discontinued date. Outages on specific items may occur prior to the Discontinued date.
*2 Limited stock may be available up to stock out.
*3 Product lifecycle tool includes only Items discontinued in last 7 years.

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