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Traceability Solutions

Traceability is vital for protecting your brand and it can also provide valuable information for improving your processes. We use our vast experience in track, trace and control to help manufacturers build robust systems that protect and improve processes; today and tomorrow.

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eCommerce Ready

eCommerce is booming. Since years the Internet has raised the expectations of consumers to new heights, and this has raised the demand for flexible and reliable delivery systems.

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Communication & Implementation

Traceability is all about reliable data collection at all stages of manufacturing, without impacting production efficiency. The challenge is to realize reliable data collection with limited implementation costs.

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Zero Touch for Workforce

No more heavy lifting and boring repetitive tasks for your colleagues, so they can really be of added value doing the things they do best. See our solutions to protect your people and optimise your production.

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Zero Touch for Quality

Zero-Touch solutions ensure consistency in quality! Our Quality Solutions feature innovative automation and robotics that effectively solve challenges by eliminating human intervention.

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Load & Unload Process

The first step to transform your manufacturing lines is to optimize your load & unload process. Furthermore, to evaluate how it impacts the performance of your operations at an enterprise, line and machine level.

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Laser Marking

Laser marking provides the most durable marks and easy to read codes to guarantee that parts can be identified throughout the life cycle of the product.

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Code Readers & RFID

A major obstacle for effective logistics management is the problem of inconsistent identification and therefore limited traceability. Our wide portfolio of code reading & RFID products help you solve your traceability challenges.

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High Mix, Low Volume Packaging

High-Mix Low Volume (HMLV) Packaging models are a consequence of the growing variety in products requested by consumers. To handle these demands we provide an overview of several solutions concerning End-Of-Line packaging.

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Code Quality Verification

The quality of the code is the key process parameter to guarantee a reliable traceability system. You want to be able to read 100% of the traceability codes, 100% of the time.

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