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Today's Challenge: The consistency to trace extensively

Automation and digitalization of processes require an extensive redesign of all interrelated material flow and information flow processes. A major obstacle for effective logistics management is the problem of inconsistent identification and therefore limited traceability.
Over the last 30 years we have gained a wealth of knowledge in the field of code reading. Experience and innovation go hand in hand at OMRON and result in a wide range of code reading & RFID products to provide you with the correct data capture solution for any traceability challenge.

Our Solution: 100% Code reading guarantee

With our X-Mode decoding algorithm and autofocus capabilities, even the most challenging direct part marks will read reliably with almost no set-up required. Built-in checks monitor code quality while reading and function as an early warning system for code quality problems. This guarantees that no unreadable codes leave the factory. Our high-resolution code readers have the large field of view needed for reading multiple codes in packaging aggregation applications.

Many factory systems rely on radio frequency identification -or RFID- for identifying products. RFID based systems use RFID tags attached to a product or product carrier as a form of unique identification. RFID tags can not only provide unique identification but can also be used to store data. This allows applications, where traceability data is stored on the tag during production, to be uploaded to a traceability database at the end of the line.

Benefits of our code reading solutions:

  • Avoid machine stops and manual work from missed reads

  • Read even the toughest codes with minimal set-up

  • Detect readability issues before missed reads occur

  • Read multiple codes simultaneously

  • Easy communication

See Our Solution in Action

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Code Quality Verification

The quality of the code is the key process parameter to guarantee a reliable traceability system. You want to be able to read 100% of the traceability codes, 100% of the time.

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Communication & Implementation

Traceability is all about reliable data collection at all stages of manufacturing, without impacting production efficiency. The challenge is to realize reliable data collection with limited implementation costs.

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Code Readers & RFID

A major obstacle for effective logistics management is the problem of inconsistent identification and therefore limited traceability. Our wide portfolio of code reading & RFID products help you solve your traceability challenges.

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