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Semiconductor industry supply chain optimization

Global demand for semiconductors is higher than ever. It takes a long time to make one – up to six months, excluding packaging and delivery to the customer. Semiconductor companies need to find ways to produce things faster and more efficiently.

Optimizing semiconductor manufacturing is crucial to meet the ever-increasing global demand. Automation and process improvement can significantly enhance wafer yields, reduce material waste, and minimize the financial risks associated with lengthy production cycles. Human involvement in wafer transportation increases the likelihood of errors.

Explore our proven front end chip fabrication solutions

Ready to elevate your chip-making game? Innovative front-end chip fabrication solutions offer precise wafer temperature control, waste reduction, automated transportation, and full FOUP traceability. With our solutions, you’ll have full control of the process, resulting in higher-quality chips produced faster and more efficiently.

Front End Process Flow

digital semiconductors frontend proces flow f 3840xx sol
The image above shows the typical processes and equipment, the numbers are just to identify the process, not the sequence. 

Streamline Front-End Fab Operations

OMRON's comprehensive applications are designed to streamline your front-end fab operations, enhance efficiency, and ensure the highest quality standards.


app-02-temperature-control fcard en sol

Temperature Control for Wafers

Adapting to changes in the production site environment and environmentally friendly materials / Automatically suppresses temperature variations caused by routine disturbances.

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app-03-wafer-transportation-02-scene fcard en sol

Wafer Transportation

Front-end fabs can benefit greatly from transportation systems that reduce physical labor, lower costs, and minimize inefficiencies. The addition of multiple robots can further enhance efficiency and flexibility.

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