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Effective planning of wafer transportation in the Front-End manufacturing process is crucial for meeting production deadlines. Fab managers consistently strive to optimize this aspect. By implementing OMRON’s industry-leading automated transport solutions, productivity can be significantly boosted, and errors minimized.

Application: Wafer transportation in the front-end

Human handling in wafer transportation introduces the risk of errors. With thousands of steps in the manufacturing process, mistakes in transporting wafers to the correct machine in the proper sequence are highly likely. Additionally, the industry currently faces a shortage of skilled workers.

Our solution: Autonomous Mobile Robots

OMRON AMRs can autonomously transport materials between process machines or storage areas, eliminating the need for manual human transportation. This allows skilled operators to focus on operating tools and machines, reducing downtime and minimizing errors in transportation operations.

OMRON‘s mobile robotics transportation solution enables companies to enhance productivity, optimize workflows, avoid mistakes and streamline the semiconductor manufacturing process for greater efficiency.

Find Out what Our Customers Say

Polar Semiconductor streamlines material flow with OMRON mobile robots

Polar Semiconductor identified that material transportation within their facility was a major factor in operator downtime. They consulted Omron to develop a solution. Polar Semiconductor then mapped, designed, and integrated Omron mobile robots into their operations to ensure a continuous flow of materials and enhance efficiency, leading to reduced costs and increased production.

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Enabling Technologies

AMRs in the Digital & Semiconductor industry

We help the Digital and Semiconductor industry achieve efficient, data-driven and uninterrupted production with our smart manufacturing solutions.

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Related Products

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Fully Autonomous Mobile Robots

OMRON mobile robots are autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) designed to dramatically increase productivity in manufacturing and logistics operations. Our mobile robots increase throughput, eliminate errors, improve material traceability, and allow employees to focus on tasks that require complex human skills. What’s more, unlike traditional AGVs, our mobile robots navigate by the natural features of the facility and require no expensive facility modification.

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