EN61000-3-2Capacitor back-upOvervoltage protectionOverload protectionDIN-rail mountingScrew mounting (with bracket)EMI Class BN+1 RedundancyParallel operation by 2 unitsPower boost 120%
EN61000-3-2Capacitor back-upOvervoltage protectionOverload protectionDIN-rail mountingScrew mounting (with bracket)EMI Class BUL Class 2 (up to 60 W)N+1 RedundancyParallel operation by 2 unitsPower boost 120%
EN61000-3-2Capacitor back-upOvervoltage protectionOverload protectionDIN-rail mountingEMI Class BPower boost 150% (5 V of 50 W, 12 V)Power boost 150% (240 and 480W models)LED and signal output indicator
EN61000-3-2Capacitor back-upUndervoltage alarm (240 and 480W models)Overvoltage protectionOverload protectionDIN-rail mountingEMI Class BUL Class 2 (up to 60 W)N+1 RedundancyParallel operation by 2 unitsPower boost 120% (30, 60 and 120W models)Power boost 150% (240 and 480W models)
EN61000-3-2 (up to 150 W)Overvoltage protectionOverload protectionDIN-rail mountingScrew mounting (with bracket)EMI Class B (up to 150 W)
EN61000-3-2Capacitor back-upUndervoltage alarmOvervoltage protectionOverload protectionDIN-rail mountingEMI Class BUL Class 2 (up to 90 W)N+1 RedundancyParallel operation by 2 unitsPower boost 120% (30, 60 and 120W models)Power boost 150% (240 and 480W models)Indication monitor (7 - segment LED)Network (Ethernet/IP , Modbus TCP)Replacement Time Calculation FunctionDisplay of output voltage/current/peak hold currentDisplay of total run timeSelf-diagnostics function
EN61000-3-2Overvoltage protectionOverload protectionDIN-rail mountingScrew mounting (with bracket)EMI Class BParallel operation by 5 units (600 W / 24VDC)
EN61000-3-2Capacitor back-upOvervoltage protectionOverload protectionDIN-rail mountingEMI Class BPower boost 150%LED and signal output indicator
EN61000-3-2Undervoltage alarmOvervoltage protectionDisplay of output valueMaintenance forecastRuntime monitor
EN61000-3-2Undervoltage alarmOvervoltage protectionDisplay of output valueMaintenance forecastRuntime monitor
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