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The global trend towards decarbonization is driving a further increase in the monitorization of energy using information on equipment and facilities. OMRON offers solutions for condition monitoring suitable to several application needs.

Application: Energy Monitoring

Decarbonizing the industry will require further advances in equipment and facilities. The semiconductor industry has been one of the early adopters.

Our Solution: Global Power Monitors

Energy management starts by continuously monitoring power. We offer several types of power measurement equipment with easy and flexible installation. You can mount the OMRON KM series on-panel and in-panel installation in the control cabinets, distribution boards and take advantage of their compatibility with power supplies around the world.

We contribute to our customers' efforts by providing multi-circuit power monitors for energy management. This series can easily realize all kind of power monitoring with on-panel and in-panel installation. These products are compatible with the main international standards and are available in several host communications options.

Enabling Technologies

Power Monitors for Energy Management

There are several common features in the KM Series and these products solve design, installation and operation problems. Easy to use and efficient for everyone, they are packed with features to suit every situation.

Do you want to know more?

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+ 45 43 44 00 11
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