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Celebrating 90 years of innovation: OMRON at automatica 2023

See our latest industrial automation and robotics solutions at automatica 2023! We will celebrate 90 years of innovation and demonstrate solutions that improve lives and contribute to a better society.

Autonomous production with super-human performance

OMRON’s latest state-of-the-art fixed industrial robots and mobile robots, combined with full traceability and inspection, demonstrate how a flexible manufacturing solution can both free people from heavy labor and ensure a continuous supply of goods, whilst improving productivity, quality and sustainability. A system like this can help manufacturers achieve advanced autonomation, whilst minimizing the environmental impact of the manufacturing process.

Advanced collaboration between humans and machines

At the booth, OMRON will showcase a new way of working that emphasizes a close collaboration between human and machines, maximizing human abilities while reducing physical burdens and stress.

Also on display are OMRON’s latest fleet management tools for autonomous mobile robots. They enhance the core user experience by providing powerful data collection and analytics through an intuitive user interface.

Digital engineering innovation

How can OMRON support companies on their digitalization journeys? Our solutions in digital engineering innovation and services can help in the transition to smarter factories.

Discover more and visit OMRON at booth B5.310 at automatica 2023.

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