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Avoid the 6 most common mistakes in machine safety - Webinar

Available seats 500

Ensuring that you are properly implementing the Essential Health and Safety requirements in all stages during the entire machine life-cycle

Every year thousands of machine workers are injured and spend time off work - simply because the Essential Health and Safety Requirements were not implemented correctly. On top of that, tens of millions of euros are also lost. That’s because there is increasing complexity in the legal obligations; a lack of expertise or specialist support; and a lack of awareness among management. This webinar will help you to overcome these challenges and to better meet your essential safety obligations.

What we cover in the webinar

  • Summary of the Essential Health & Safety Requirements
  • The most common mistakes, one each for the six stages of a machine lifecycle
    • Planning
    • Design
    • Simulation
    • Installation
    • Validation
    • Maintenance
  • Easy-to-implement actions to avoid those common mistakes
By attending this special webinar you will help ensure that all your safety functions work optimally on your industrial machines. It’s just 45 minutes of your time in exchange for many years’ of peace of mind. 

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