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DANMARK : Exclusive - Flexible Manufacturing Roadshow 2024

Available seats 50
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The use of mobile robots and other advanced automation technologies holds significant, yet untapped potential in the healthcare sector. At OMRON, we believe that one of the keys to unlocking this potential is through dialogue across the value chain, successful case studies, and commercial integrated solutions that can be applied to the highly complex production apparatus of the healthcare industry.

Therefore, you are invited to an exclusive VIP event on January 24, 2024, in Malmö. 

Here, in collaboration with several partners, we will present our vision of innovative inter-logistic production solutions for the future, which can streamline processes and free up manpower within the pharmaceutical sector and across Nordic hospitals.

You can look forward to:

  • Experiencing commercial solutions in areas such as mobile robots, fleet management, traceability, and data collection tailored to hospitals and the pharmaceutical industry.

  • Learning about how robots can make a difference in cleanrooms and laboratory production.

  • Hearing how Stavanger University Hospital (SUS) plans to implement a fleet of OMRON mobile robots. Learn more about their experiences, benefits, and prospects. This case will be presented in collaboration with our automation partner AFRY.

  • Receiving non-binding advice and inspiration from OMRON's automation specialists and our partners.

  • Enjoy delicious “Mingle Buffet” and social networking

The event is part of OMRON's Flexible Manufacturing Roadshow – an automation caravan traveling through most of Europe and arriving in Scandinavia early in the new year. Here, you can witness live demonstrations of automation and robotics technologies on a scale that is typically not seen outside the factory walls, including mobile robots and collaborative robots.


Utsiktsvägen 10
216 30 Limhamn (Malmö)

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