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SMTconnect 2022

OMRON Inspection Systems Division are very pleased to announce we will be exhibiting at SMTconnect 2022, taking place in Nuremberg, Germany from May 10th to 12th.

In line with its motto “Manufacturing together”, the SMTconnect provides an ideal setting for sharing ideas within the electronic manufacturing community, developing tailored solutions for electronic assemblies and systems, laying the groundwork for business deals and improving skills.

OMRON will have knowledgeable representatives available to answer any questions and to provide demonstrations of our fully integrated inspection solutions.

Showcase products include market leading inspection systems VP9000 (3D-SPI), VT-S1080 (3D-AOI),  High Speed 3DCT-VT-750 AXI together with Omron Robot and Omron AI Industrial Applications.

Visit us at our booth 4A 350 !

DATE(S):  May 10th to 12th, 2022

LOCATION: Nuremberg, Germany

Visit Event website: smt.mesago.com/nuremberg

smt connect 2022 1920x1214px event

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