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Introducing the world’s most advanced 3D AOI system: Our new S10 Series -ultimate solution for manufacturers’ new challenge: “Unmanned inspection System”

The world of automation is in consistent movement, and it is no secret that today’s manufacturing environment is complex! Trusted for almost 90 years, we are a world leader in automation and, the global market leader in Automated Optical Inspection systems solutions during the past 35 years. We are proud of introducing our new S10 Series, the world’s 1st full colour system, offering a unique mix of general purpose and application specific solutions. S10 Series enable flexible manufacturing, respond to shortages in manpower and demands for higher quality production.

100% detection of the solder shape by our unique MDMC illumination and MPS Projectors:

New technologies are available to evolve your business and deal with urgent and fluctuating market demands.  In order to overcome the limitation of present-day 3D AOI technology, our patented approach combines the most advanced illumination, sophisticated image processing and full 3D measurement data to yield the highest-quality solder inspection process possible. High-precision solder shape reconstruction helps achieve zero-defect products combining with High Speed 3DCT-AXI to the final quality process, then realize significant labour savings by combining 3D AOI and 3D AXI inspection. Elimination of Shadow and Secondary Reflection with 4-Direction MPS Projectors allow stable inspection of fine parts and enable visibility even at the connector solder joint.

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Future proof your business with our 5-Zero concept for intelligent, integrated, and interactive solutions.

The industry is right on the threshold of the fourth industrial revolution. Automation is being followed by the digitalization of production. Our goal is to resolve the social issues and production floor challenges.

We are developing a variety of reliable AI tools to address customer concerns such as defects going undetected and/or managing large amounts of machine learning data when using AI for inspection.

By controlling everything from AI image acquisition to model creation and testing, we provide end-to-end support to address all concerns about the introduction of AI that caters to production floor needs.

Our 5-Zero concept high-value manufacturing stands for:

  • Zero PCB Design Constraints
  • Zero Over Rejects/Escapes
  • Zero Program Teaching
  • Zero Downtime
  • Zero Defects

Discover VT-S1080 for maximizing your ROI by using M2M system that focuses on high- quality and realizing unmanned inspection processes in combination with labor-savings with predictive maintenance.

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