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Easy electrical wiring design for Omron panel solutions with PCSCHEMATIC

1500 Omron components to be included in the electrical CAD software PCSCHEMATIC Automation.

We are happy to announce that PCSCHEMATIC and Omron will collaborate to include data of almost 1500 Omron panel solutions components in the electrical CAD software PCSCHEMATIC Automation, which makes drawing electrical wiring diagrams easy, resulting in efficient panel engineering and providing a complete overview of electrical designs.

PCSCHEMATIC Automation is an advanced electrical CAD software from PCSCHEMATIC, a Danish company founded in 1978. The software has an intuitive workflow, which allows users to get started right away. It handles reference designations intelligently according to IEC/ISO 81346, and includes symbols for automation, PLCs, topology and bus connections, single line diagrams, pneumatics and hydraulics, house installation and more.

For panel builders, the Panelrouter feature for example enables automatic routing of wires in panels, and finds the shortest wire paths based on the electrical connections in the diagrams. Panel builders and other users of Omron panel solutions can easily download all the essential product data.

This saves engineering time and effort during the design stages, reduces errors and helps improve the overall project quality. Engineers can select the data they require, and complete documentation is developed rapidly and in parallel to the design process.

For more information, please contact us.

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