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USB 3.0 Area Scan Camera, 1.6 MP, Monochrome, CMOS Sony IMX273, 1/2.9", 3.45 µm, 238 fps, Global Shutter, C Mount, Cased


Camera type Monochrome
Number of pixels 1.6 MP
Interface USB 3.0
Lens mount C-mount
Shutter type Global
Image width 1440 pixels
Image height 1080 pixels
Image sensor format 1/2.9"
Image sensor type IMX273
Pixel size 3.45 µm
Frame rate 238 fps
Optical filter None
Lens type Not Applicable
Scan type Area scan


CAB-USB3-02 USB 3.0 cable, USB3.0 Micro-B, Camera side with fastening screws, 2 m
CAB-USB3-02-RB USB 3.0 cable, USB3.0 Micro-B, Camera side with fastening screws, robot cable, 2 m
CAB-USB3-03 USB 3.0 cable, USB3.0 Micro-B, Camera side with fastening screws, 3 m
CAB-USB3-03-RB USB 3.0 cable, USB3.0 Micro-B, Camera side with fastening screws, robot cable, 3 m
CAB-USB3-05 USB 3.0 cable, USB3.0 Micro-B, Camera side with fastening screws, 5 m
CAB-USB3-05-RB USB 3.0 cable, USB3.0 Micro-B, Camera side with fastening screws, robot cable, 5 m
CAB-USB3-07 USB 3.0 cable, USB3.0 Micro-B, Camera side with fastening screws, 7 m
CAB-USB3-07-RB USB 3.0 cable, USB3.0 Micro-B, Camera side with fastening screws, robot cable, 7 m
CAB-USB3-10 USB 3.0 cable, USB3.0 Micro-B, Camera side with fastening screws, 10 m
