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Achieve superior environmental resistance and a wide measurement range of 0 to 400°C

This infrared thermosensor provides an fast, accurate and very stable way to measure the temperature of objects. Its output provides a universal 4-20 mA signal, which enables it to operate with many temperature controllers or PLCs.

  • Flexible placement with slim cylindrical shape and long focus with a distance of 500 mm and area diameter of 80 mm.
  • The SUS body and silicon lens resist ambient operating temperatures of up to 70°C and resist dust and water to the equivalent of IP67.
  • Fast measurement with high-speed response of 100 ms/90%.
  • Strong resistance to noise with output of 4 to 20 mA.

Specifications & ordering info

Ordering information

Specification (measuring temperature range)

Order code

0 to 400°C


Dimensions (unit: mm)

Ratings and Characteristics




Power supply voltage

12 to 24 VDC

Operating voltage range

90% to 110% of rated voltage

Current consumption

70 mA max.

Measuring temperature range

0 to 400°C

Measurement accuracy

0 to 200°C: ±2°C, 201 to 400°C: ±1% (emissivity: 0.95)

Response time

100 ms/90%


±1°C of reading value


0.95 fixed

Current output

4 to 20 mA DC, Load: 250 Ω max.

Ambient temperature range

Operating: 0 to 70°C, Storage: −20 to 70°C
(with no icing or condensation)

Ambient humidity range

Operating and storage: 35% to 85%

Vibration resistance (destruction)

1.5-mm amplitude at 10 to 55 Hz for 2 hours each
in the X, Y, and Z directions


180 g

Degree of protection

Equivalent to IP67

How can we help you?

If you have a question or would like to ask for a quote, please contact us or send a request.

+ 45 43 44 00 11
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