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ROEQ TML500/TML750 EU Lifter solution for OMRON MD-650/900

Applicable models
  • MD-650/900
  • Lifter
  • Pallet handler

The ROEQ TML500/TML750 EU top modules and ROEQ PR750 Pallet Rack have been designed for the OMRON MD-650 and MD-900 AMRs. With this Lifter solution, the MD-650 can safely pick up, transport, and drop off euro pallets carrying up to 500 kg with the MD-650 and 750 kg with the MD-900. The top module comes with ROEQ Assist software for fast and consistent set up and the solution has been developed to comply with safety standards.

  • Easy mounting of top module to the OMRON AMR 
  • Includes ROEQ Assist software for fast and consistent set up 
  • Threaded mounting holes for adding customized equipment 
  • Can travel with forks up for reduced cycle time 
  • Add-on ROEQ Cargo Sensor Kit available to prevent pick up of goods on occupied AMR and delivery to occupied pallet rack 
  • Easy access to robot I/O via top module 
  • ROEQ PR750 Pallet Rack for complete solution
    Space saving design with Multi Rack option
    Designed to affix OMRON sensor to connect to Fleet Manager

Compliant with safety standards: 

ISO 3691-4:2020 Driverless Industrial trucks EU Machine Directive


500 kg / 1100lbs on OMRON MD-650
750 kg / 1100lbs on OMRON MD-900
70mm / 2.75”


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