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Distribution Centre (DC) or repacker sites have to deal with:

  • Depalletizing and unpacking of boxes functions 
  • Goods to be transported to the location for re-packing 
  • Waste to be disposed

Increase of SKU's and shortage of qualified, reliable labour makes this even more challenging. Together with our partners OMRON can address this and realize fully automated handling & movement of these goods.

Our Solution: Fully Automated Handling of Incoming Goods

Robots unloading pallets

The depalletisation solution can be fully automatic or semi-automatic. It all starts with a pallet loaded with boxes being placed. The vision device then performs a scan of the pallet, and the boxes will be loaded on either a conveyor or Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR).

Robots transporting goods

OMRON’s AMR's are part of a fleet that drive autonomously & execute orders based on an order picking system. Aware of its surroundings the AMR determines the optimal path, avoids obstacles and adjusts the path when surroundings change.

Robots opening boxes

Pass-through box opener for automating box cutting operations. This is a very intelligent Cobot-based solution. Measuring the size of every incoming case to automatically find the programmed cut lines. Boxes can be fed in pre-set size order or in mixed order without the need to run batches of the same size.

Benefits Automated Box Arrival, Opening & Distribution

Handling of incoming goods has evolved from manual to fully robotic operations:

  • Flexibility in packaging lines 
  • Improvement of efficiency 
  • Package/Product order matching 
  • Misfeed avoidance savings 
  • Enabling of traceability 
  • Improved safety 
  • Labour savings

See the Solution in Action

Related Products

  • hd-1500 400x200 prod

    Our strongest Fully Autonomous Mobile Robot

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    Built for the Future of Automation

See also our other Key Applications & Solutions

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Unpacking and distribution of arriving goods

Together with our partners OMRON can address unpacking and distribution of arriving goods issues and realize fully automated handling & movement of these goods.

hmvl arriving goods fcard sol

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