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Intralogistics & Intermediate Stocks

Frequently, primary processes such as the flow of products to be produced in a factory are already highly automated. The secondary process such; as supplying consumables or taking waste away is often not. These processes usually involve many manual operations!

On the contrary, other processes such as; intermediate stock or floor space occupied represent a substantial, often hidden, cost for the production manager. Our wide array of smart robotic solutions optimize the throughput and availability of goods needed.

Our Solution: Fully Flexible & Conveyorless

Optimize your indoor deliveries smartly with Autonomous Mobile Robots. OMRON helps you to automate intralogistics deliveries and increase productivity.

Our robotic solutions are based on traditional fixed robots, collaborative robots, autonomous mobile robots, or the MoMa (Mobile Manipulator).

OMRON Fleet Simulator offers the industry’s first mobile robot simulator for factory and manufacturing applications. It plans traffic and workflows for fleets of autonomous mobile robots so customers can identify potential bottlenecks and optimize workflows without ever having to deploy a real robot.

Benefits Automatic Transportation of Goods & Consumables

Automated replenishment allows to create value (money) through reduced stock, space optimization and just-in-time procurement.

  • Improves efficiency by reducing waste and unnecessary movements 
  • Improves safety by eliminating pallets along the line, operators walking around or manual material handling 
  • Improves productivity by achieving zero waiting time; no need to wait for the next step in the process 
  • Enables traceability and control of inventory, while small-lot inventory (WIP) movement is automated

See the Solution in Action

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Automatic repacking for the retail channel

Repacking from single variety to mixed cases creates several challenges. To handle & optimize the inflow of different goods, OMRON brings together a complete line of robotic automation products into a single, fully integrated packaging system.

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Intralogistics & intermediate stocks

Our wide array of smart robotic solutions optimizes the throughput and availability of goods needed.

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