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Improving productivity at winding process of drive motor winding machine

Both shortening of winding tact time and improvement of winding space are major factors in increasing productivity. OMRON technologies help you achieve high-speed, clean winding with a high-speed motion controller and winding control function block library.


In the coil winding process of motor manufacturing, reducing takt time while stabilizing winding position to increase motor coil space factor is a key issue. Our coil winding control function block library enables high-speed, high-precision coil winding control.


OMRON’s solution includes our SYSMAC controller, which offers accurate winding control for fast producing uniform coils. We provide a function block library that supports a wide range of coil winding methods, and our phase shift instructions dramatically improve coil-winding quality.

Watch our solutions solve an application to coil winding nozzles

OMRON solutions reduce setup time, allow for safe, high-speed production, and let you easily and safely adjust coil-winding patterns.

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Drive Motor Winding

Both shortening of winding tact time and improvement of winding space are major factors in increasing productivity. OMRON technologies help you achieve high-speed, clean winding with a high-speed motion controller and winding control function block library.

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