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Improving quality at the sealing material coating process

Introducing coating material inspection automation for a wide variety of products that need inspection can be a daunting task with numerous steps. Increasing efficiency with unique inspection algorithms and work setting function can help solve this issue.


The rise in prevalence of electric vehicles has led to an increase in electrical component production. These components have complex sealing paths, making any breaks in these paths, with none or little to no sealing material, that much more difficult to detect. OMRON has a solution to improve sealing quality through automatic shape recognition and by integrating inspections for breaks in sealing paths with traceability.


Our solutions enable stable inspection required to deliver quality vehicle-mounted components by integrating our unique image processing and traceability technologies. OMRON's unique patented algorithm detects sealing profiles, enabling you to seal paths of all shapes and cover all inspection items. It has a proven track record in numerous use cases.

OMRON solution automates glue inspection and builds the inspection record system

  • Our original outline scanning technology detects angled gaps
  • Glue Bead Inspection dramatically cuts man-hours for inspection setup
  • A variety of vision devices enable appropriate system configuration
  • Traceability with inspection results linked to image data

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Material Coating Sealing

Introducing coating material inspection automation for a wide variety of products that need inspection can be a daunting task with numerous steps. Increasing efficiency with unique inspection algorithms and work setting function can help solve this issue.

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