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Operational Excellence
Food & Beverage

Don't let vibrations catch you off balance!

Udgivet kl. 25. februar 2019 i Operational Excellence

Machine operators are aware that sudden increases in vibrations or noise variations can herald a serious shake-up on their production lines. Unfortunately, it is hard for humans to quickly notice the indicators of, for instance, out-of-balance mechanics. The human touch is no match for dedicated sensors combined with high-speed Analogue Input Units that can reliably, precisely, and easily acquire synchronized data.
The downside of conventional PLC systems and conventional Analogue Input Units is that they are often not fast enough to catch every signal. Also precision can be affected by mutual interference between channels and they are rather difficult to configure. Omron's reliable NX-HAD solution makes those problems a thing of the past offering high-speed analogue inspection with no special data acquisition devices required. Function blocks allow calibration, collection, scaling, time-stamp recording, storing, and loading of data for evaluation. A simple system configuration ideal for global manufacturing.

Reliable, precise, and easy

Improving quality in parts inspections requires the collection and interpretation of as detailed analogue data as possible. Nowadays, most automotive and other manufacturers are using PC and special measuring devices, such as data loggers, for measurements. Being among the first to work on IoT at manufacturing sites, Omron now offers the high-speed Analogue Input Unit that can reliably, precisely, and easily acquire synchronized analogue data. This is done through fully insulated channels to obtain precise data without noise. The unit will help you improve quality.

Simultaneous high speed sampling

The NX-HAD solution features the industry's fastest sampling speed of 5 μs regardless of the number of channels. Typical sampling rates on analogue signals aren’t enough for some specific applications like vibration monitoring of rotating parts for predictive maintenance of machinery.
Often many components of a machine are rotating and each one is generating its own distinctive pattern and level of vibration. Together they create complete vibration of the machine. With just one sensor on the machine the different patterns can be monitored and changes in amplitude can be detected. These can be indicators of out-of-balance mechanics.

Vibration analysis to prevent automation paralysis

Vibration analysis looks for anomalies. It can be used to evaluate the condition of equipment and determine if a mechanical device is declining. This is achieved through recordkeeping of a machine’s vibration history and over time predicts problems before serious issues arise. By being proactive and pinpointing issues before they occur, you are avoiding a sudden stop and increasing machine efficiency. Just think about the huge costs this will save every incident!

This article is part of the Omron's series of publications entitled 'OEE & me' and covers 'Don't let vibrations catch you off balance!' as a solution for Expect the unexpected: Prepare, Prevent & Predict.

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