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Operational Excellence
Food & Beverage

Go with the Adaptive and Dynamic production flow!

Udgivet kl. 6. maj 2019 i Operational Excellence

Flexible and fast responses to changes in market dynamics improve performance. Made-for-me production flows are the future of manufacturing coherent with Industry 4.0. A reality that Omron already provides today through its cutting edge innovative-Automation approach. Turning factory floor data into highly valuable information, we realize intelligent automation solutions for manufacturers around the globe.
In our roadmap to intelligent and autonomous production we make a clear distinction between three stages. Stage one being transforming data into information, stage two covering moving from information to action, and stage three concentrating on intelligent production where we actively make use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in control systems to take autonomous decisions. Facilitating efficient, safe and flexible manufacturing, producers avoid machine stops and waste, and maximize performance and product quality.

Highly automated solutions including robotics

Mass customization is a key trend nowadays and acquiring more flexibility in the production line a must. Quick changeovers that enable variations in e.g. colour, flavour, shape, size, or print must be produced with high quality and within reasonable costs. By deploying adaptive and dynamic production a factory tailors current production lines to this new production environment. It can be realized with highly automated solutions including robotics. A unique combination of expertise that makes Omron the premium partner for manufacturers who seek a full solution provider with a proven international track record.

Modular set-up for mass customization

A modular production set-up is key to flexible manufacturing. Traditional linear production depends heavily on human input. Mass customization requires high speed production for efficiency. Speed that can only be realized by allowing humans and collaborative robots to do what they do best in harmony. No more repetitive, heavy or dangerous work for people. And Automation and Robotization open up the way to upskill the workforce. Upskilling the workforce makes their job quality better and saves employers significant costs in related H&S risks. Smart human-machine interaction enables a fully automated and dynamic production environment that takes manufacturing into the future, today.
This article is part of the Omron's series of publications entitled 'OEE & me' and covers 'Go with Adaptive and Dynamic production!'.

How to Maximize the Production Line Flexibility for Food and Beverage Industry?

Have a look at this 2-minute video by Patricia Torres from Hannover Messe and see how the combination of precise control together with mobile robots and collaborative robots can help manufacturers do more with the same space.

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  • Patricia Torres

    Patricia Torres

    Patricia is Industry Marketing Manager Food and Commodities Solutions at Omron Industrial Automation Europe.

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