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Operational Excellence
Food & Beverage

Perfect Packaging, ordinary packaging executed extraordinary well

Udgivet kl. 8. juli 2019 i Operational Excellence

Packaging processes rarely harbour extremely surprising variables. From manufacturers to system integrators, machine builders and industrial automation providers, we all know the essentials that make packaging production a definite success. However, the everyday reality on the factory floor is that small imperfections in the process result in major output disturbances. That is why Omron introduces its Perfect Packaging concept featuring smart innovations that ensure that ordinary F&B-packaging is executed extraordinary well. We help make your bottom-line top!
In the Food & Beverage industry packaging imperfection in filling, sealing or labelling comes at an extraordinary high price. Industrial Automation plays a leading role in minimising such costly mistakes in packages. Perfect Packaging aims for zero defects to avoid recall penalties, optimum filling to increase the bottom-line, and higher machine speed with quality output. Additionally, we help to realize continuous correct packaging combining the right product with the right packaging in the right amount without misses and perfectly closed.

Make your bottom-line top

Special circumstances like machine start-ups or change-overs often produce packaging with imperfections. It results in spoilage risks, waste, and less output making such situations extremely expensive. The human factor also needs to be taken into account when evaluating packaging effectiveness. Operators and engineers are just as prone to make mistakes as all of us are. Waste, spoilage, defects, mistakes, and limited output can be avoided with the right automation. Omron's Perfect Packaging solutions focus on practical issues that really make a difference at the end of the line.

Multiple improvements, zero defects

Process improvements and smart production level checks can be integrated into control and information systems to reduce the number of wrong packages and significantly increase yield. Discover how we can help optimize your packaging with regard to processes like grading, pick & place, dosing, capping, labelling, weighing, conveying, sealing, and load & off-load functions. Our fast quality checks on topics as proper closure, print defects, fill levels, presence & correctness of seals, caps, and labels provide the quality assurance that enables you to further improve production efforts now and in the future.
This article is part of the Omron's series of publications entitled 'OEE & me' and covers 'Perfect Packaging, ordinary packaging executed extraordinary well'.

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  • John van Hooijdonk

    John van Hooijdonk

    Industry Marketing

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