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Edzcom joins OMRON’s Innovation Network as Alliance Partner

Converging automation and connectivity through Private 5G Networks

OMRON, a global leader in industrial automation, today announced that Edzcom, a European leader in 4G/5G private networks, has joined the OMRON Innovation Network as an Alliance Partner. OMRON's Innovation Network is dedicated to developing comprehensive solutions that fulfill all technological requirements for partners and customers alike.

This collaboration builds on Edzcom's leading role in European private 4G/5G sector. Edzcom has established itself as a pioneer in 2017 with the first 4G private network deployment and have since demonstrated their expertise by successfully designing and deploying more than 50 private 4G/5G networks across seven European countries.

“The integration of 5G private networks is the cornerstone in tackling data connectivity challenges prevalent in AMR and real-time process control environments,” Daniel Rossek, EMEA System Integration Manager at OMRON stated. “Edzcom brings our customers the benefits of a 5G private network – including enhanced network coverage, low latency, and end-to-end data encryption – to unlock the maximum benefits of automation.”

“We believe that reliable connectivity is key in automation. We work closely with our customers to understand their digitalization and automation strategies and tailor the 4G/5G private network solutions to meet even the most demanding connectivity requirements. Edzcom partnership with OMRON delivers enterprises a holistic solution; bespoke private 4G/5G connectivity with compatible, best-of-breed automation solutions.” Catherine Gull, Head of Business Development at Edzcom comments.

Together with Edzcom, OMRON addresses critical issues relating to factory automation solutions such as:

  • Overcoming limitations such as network coverage and low network latency to facilitate seamless navigation decisions for autonomous mobile robots.
  • Ensuring near-real-time communication and always-on connectivity to optimize processes and process control.
  • Supporting a vast number of device connections and large data throughput while maintaining network performance and safeguarding sensitive, business-critical data.

“Edzcom equips businesses with a single point of contact for designing, building, and operating tailored private networks, paving the way to achieving their digitalization objectives,” Daniel Rossek further added. “This collaboration is centered around our shared vision of harnessing the full potential of 5G networks, promising seamless connectivity, ultra-low latency, and unmatched efficiency.”

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