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OMRON Selected as one of the Euronext Vigeo World 120 Index

OMRON Receives a high rating for its ESG initiatives.

OMRON Corporation has been selected as one of the "Euronext Vigeo World 120 Index" by the EURONEXT which operates multiple stock markets in Europe, and Moody's Analytics, an ESG research company of the Moody's Group, a rating agency. This is the second time since 2019 that the company has been selected for this index. 

The Euronext Vigeo World 120 Index is a representative of 120 companies selected by Euronext from the perspectives of the environment, society, and governance. 120 companies were selected from among 1,500 major companies in Europe, North America, and the Asia-Pacific region, of which 15 were selected from Japan. OMRON was rated highly for its corporate behavior, corporate governance, environment, and contribution to local communities. 

OMRON's sustainability is the implementation of OMRON Principles, "To improve lives and contribute to a better society". Under the long-term vision, Shaping the Future 2030 (SF2030), launched in 2022, OMRON aims to maximize corporate value by combining social sustainability with OMRON's sustainability. SF2030 also sets 5 material sustainability issues for the first time as the long-term vision, and OMRON is steadily working toward ESG targets. 

By creating social value through its business and implementing OMRON Principles, OMRON will continue to work to solve the 3 social issues of "achievement of carbon neutrality," "realization of a digital society," and "extension of healthy life expectancies." 

Details of OMRON's sustainability initiatives can be found in its Integrated Report and Sustainability website pages.

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