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OMRON Awarded Gold Rating from EcoVadis for Sustainability

OMRON Corporation has been awarded the Gold Rating following a yearly sustainability assessment by EcoVadis. A score earning a Gold rating puts the company within the top 5% of all the businesses assessed for sustainability performance.

The assessment is conducted by EcoVadis, an independent and trusted provider of a shared sustainability platform, which assesses more than 85,000 organizations and businesses, using its unique CSR rating methodology that covers 160 countries around the world and 200 categories of business, based on several thousands of external sources (including NGOs, trade unions, international bodies, local governments, and auditing organizations). The CSR activities of a company are comprehensively assessed in four areas: Environment, Labor Practices & Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement.

OMRON maintained its high scores in the areas of Labor Practices & Human Rights and Sustainable Procurement, which led to the rating it earned this time. In the area of Labor Practices & Human Rights, OMRON was recognized for its policies related to human rights, including diversity, harassment, child labor, forced labor, and human trafficking, and also for its policies promoting equal pay, conducting employee satisfaction surveys, and other efforts, resulting in a score in the top 2% of businesses in the same industry.

Furthermore, in the area of Sustainable Procurement, OMRON earned high ratings for its policies related to conflict minerals and sustainable procurement of materials, as well as for its initiatives for risk identification and risk mitigation in the supply chain.

Advanced rating Carbon Management Score

For the first time, OMRON was evaluated for its Carbon Management Score, which was newly established this year to focus on Climate Change. The result was an “Advanced” rating.

OMRON was recognized as a company that has introduced a comprehensive greenhouse gas management system, reports in accordance with global standards, and conducts third-party data verification.

OMRON will continue to strive to sustainably increase its corporate value by resolving issues that respond to the expectations of various stakeholders in such areas as the Environment, Labor Practices & Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement.

About OMRON’s Sustainability Initiatives

OMRON has set and is aiming to resolve the two key focuses of important sustainability issues, which are social issues that can be resolved through businesses in key domains, and issues that call for strengthening its business infrastructure to respond to the expectations of stakeholders.

Eleonora Denna, member of Quality and Environment Department at OMRON Industrial Automation Europe comments : "Environmental, social and government (ESG) ratings are key for our customers in their newly revised qualification programs. Ecovadis is a great business enabler, and also clearly indicates our shared values. In the EMEA region, we contribute directly to the Ecovadis ratings from both environment and social angles, including the take-back schemes for ensuring the correct treatment our products at their end of life, as well as various human resource initiatives to prevent discrimination and harassment.”

Details related to OMRON’s sustainability initiatives can be viewed in the downloadable Integrated Report 

Read more about OMRON's Sustainability Initiatives

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