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OMRON launches cobot palletizing solution

New Palletizing Function Block in OMRON’s machine controller enables quick and easy setup of various pallet patterns.

OMRON has launched a new palletizing solution for collaborative robots, responding to the need for more flexible production processes whilst reducing programming time. The PLC-based cobot palletizing solution is created on OMRON’s NX1 series modular machine controller that is equipped with a specialized Palletizing Function Block.

Palletizing solutions with collaborative robots can fit into small spaces and work safely side by side with people, without additional safety fencing, whilst relieving operators from heavy lifting and repetitive tasks. Cobot palletizers have therefore become more and more popular in many industries and end-of-line applications. To simplify and to speed up the programming of these applications, OMRON has launched a new cobot palletizing solution.

The key functionalities of the solution, built on OMRON’s NX machine controller with a unique function block, include quick pallet pattern definition, easy step-by-step setup and calibration by teaching, as well as a comprehensive production dashboard. The flexibility of the solution enables easy expansion and integration of additional functionality. The NX machine controller communicates directly with the cobot controller, and seamlessly handles the various input and output devices and tools needed for a palletizing solution, such as a gripper, pillar, conveyor belt, safety components, sensors, and servo motors. This enables the complete sequencing to be performed from the PLC. The solution can be connected to a human machine interface for operation.

“One of the main challenges in palletizing applications today is the complexity involved in programming the various types of pallet patterns. This solution significantly reduces programming time and makes it easy for the operators to make changes,” Fernando Vaquerizo, Fixed and Cobots Product Marketing Manager at OMRON Europe, comments. “I’m very excited about this solution that was developed in collaboration with our Automation Center in Barcelona. We’ve made the most of the extensive application experience that our engineers have accumulated over the years,” Vaquerizo concludes.

Quick and easy setup and control with OMRON Palletizer solution for cobots
  • Quick and easy setup and control with OMRON Palletizer solution for cobots

    Quick and easy setup and control with OMRON Palletizer solution for cobots

    OMRON's palletizing solution for collaborative robots responds to the need for more flexible production processes and reduces programming time. The PLC-based cobot palletizing solution is created on OMRON’s NX1 series modular machine controller that is equipped with a specialized Palletizing Function Block. Palletizing solutions with collaborative robots can fit into small spaces and work safely side by side with people, without additional safety fencing, whilst relieving operators from heavy lifting and repetitive tasks. Cobot palletizers have become more and more popular in many industries and end-of-line applications. To simplify and to speed up the programming of these applications, OMRON has launched a new cobot palletizing solution. The NX machine controller communicates directly with the cobot controller, and seamlessly handles the various input and output devices and tools needed for a palletizing solution, such as a gripper, pillar, conveyor belt, safety components, sensors, and servo motors. This enables the complete sequencing to be performed from the PLC. The solution can be connected to a human machine interface for operation. Discover more:


The key features and benefits of the solution include:

Reliable control of the entire solution

  • Flexibility and speed of deployment reduce engineering costs
  • Easy programming thanks to a wizard-based interface
  • Quick and easy changeovers thanks to pallet pattern definition and automatic calculation for regular pallets, and recipe management commands
  • Process overview dashboard and monitoring of robots in industrial production
  • Up to 20kg payload capacity with the new OMRON TM20 collaborative robot
Read more about the cobot palletizing solution.

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