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CesTek Automation A/S


An automation solution from CesTek will always lead to one or more improvements concerning uptime, throughput, waste reduction, quality assurance, traceability and other parameters of vital importance for the success of your firm and its competitiveness.

When you meet automation specialists from Cestek you will soon discover, that their team consists of industry experienced experts with vast knowhow about manufacturing. They are used to working in industry and understand how to adapt to different production environments – right from wastewater treatment plants to the production within the Pharma industry.

Based on Cestek’s goal of being the customer’s number one solution provider, they make much of including their customers and their customers unique knowledge in our solution. By combining their customer’s knowledge with Cestek’s specialties, they create a solution that is 100% customized to their customer’s specific conditions.

Collaborative Robotics
Data Integration
Flexible Manufacturing
Line Integration
Machine Control
Mobile Robotics
Motion & Drives

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