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Pushbutton A22NZ 22 dia., bezel brushed metal, flat, momentary, cap color opaque black


Application Pushbutton switch
Bezel material Brushed metal
Color Black
Number of switch positions 2
Profile Flat
Reset method Momentary
Shape Round
Size 22 mm
Suitable for illumination


A22NZ-A-301 Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, Tightening Wrench
A22NZ-A-303 Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, Protective Cover
A22NZ-A-401 Pushbutton accessory A22NZ 22 dia., plastic hole plug
A22NZ-A-402 Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, metal Hole Plug
A22NZ-A-403 Pushbutton accessory A22NZ Ø22, Lock Ring
A22NZ-A-50103 Pushbutton accessory A22NZ 22 dia., Small Legend Plate Frame
A22NZ-A-50501 Pushbutton accessory A22NZ Ø22, Lock Ring
A22NZ-A-51103 Pushbutton accessory A22NZ 22 dia., Large Legend Plate Frame
A22NZ-A-C01 Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, Reinforcement Plate
A22NZ-H-01 Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, Mounting Collar
A22NZ-S-G1A Pushbutton A22NZ, Contact Block SPST-NO (blue)
A22NZ-S-G1B Pushbutton A22NZ, Contact Block SPST-NC (orange)
A22NZ-S-P1A A22N Contact blocks, SPST-NO, push-in terminal
A22NZ-S-P1B A22N Contact blocks, SPST-NC, push-in terminal
A22NZ-S-P2A A22N Contact blocks, DPST-NO, push-in terminal
A22NZ-S-P2B A22N contact blocks, DPST-NC, push-in terminal
A22NZ-S-P2C A22N Contact blocks, SPST-NO + SPST-NC, push-in terminal


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