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Wireless Mushroom button, dia. 40 mm, EU frequency 868.3 MHz, Button/flange colors white-black


Application Wireless Pushbutton switch
Area Europe (EU)
Bezel material Plastic
Color White
Bezel color Black
Frequency 868.3 MHz
Profile Mushroom
Reset method Momentary
Shape Round
Size 40 mm
Suitable for illumination


A2W-AT2.5-WC1 High-sensitivity magnetic-base antenna, all frequencies supported, cable length 2.5 m
A2W-H-WC1 Slave button holder
A2W-RBN-WC1 EU Master unit receiver, EU frequency 868.3 MHz, 8 NPN transistor outputs, 24 VDC
A2W-RBP-WC1 EU Master unit receiver, EU frequency 868.3 MHz, 8 PNP transistor outputs, 24 VDC
A2W-S-WC1 Slave button strap
