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Touch screen HMI, 5.6 inch QVGA (320 x 234 pixel), TFT color, Ethernet + USB Host

The production of this product is planned to end on 2025-12-31.

For more information regarding the discontinuation of this product, please download the notice.

Download notice


Screen diagonal 5.6 in
Number of pixels, horizontal 320
Number of pixels, vertical 234
Type of display TFT
Frame color Black
Number of Ethernet ports 1
Number of USB ports 2
Number of RS-232 ports 2
Number of RS-422 ports 1
Number of RS-485 ports 1
Number of colors of the display 65536
Number of grey-scales/blue-scales of display 64
Degree of protection (IP), front side IP65
Width of the front 184 mm
Height of the front 142 mm
Width of panel cutout 172.4 mm
Height of panel cutout 131 mm
Built-in depth 46 mm
Product Weight (unpacked) 950 g


CP1W-CN221 USB Programming cable, A-type male to B-type male, 1.8 m
XW2Z-200T Cable, RS-232C, for connecting NT HMI 9-pin port to PLC 9-pin port, 2 m
XW2Z-500T Cable, RS-232C, for connecting NT HMI 9-pin port to PLC 9-pin port, 5 m


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NB Faceplate 3.1 - Multilanguage Software
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NB-Designer Setup v1.5.3.1 Software
en ZIP 374 MB

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NB-Designer Setup v1.6.4.0 Software
en ZIP 430 MB

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NB-Series Quick Guide
enPDF 10 MB
NB-Series Setup manual
enPDF 6,08 MB
NB-Series Host Connection Setup manual
enPDF 21,3 MB
NB-series Programmable Terminals (Europe) Meddelelse om ophør
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NB Faceplate 3.1 - Multilanguage Software
en ZIP 75,3 MB
NB-Designer Setup v1.5.3.1 Software
en ZIP 374 MB

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NB-Designer Setup v1.6.4.0 Software
en ZIP 430 MB

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