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E5_N-H / E5_N-HT

E5_N-H / E5_N-HT

Universal digital process controllers

The new E5_N-H series takes the proven E5_N features to the next level of process control. The N-H-series (E5CN-H, E5EN-H and E5AN-H) has the same ease of installation and operation with the same menu structure as the E5_N series. The E5_N-H has improved accuracy, speed and process control features.

  • Same Menu structure as E5_N
  • Fast (60ms) and Accurate (0,1%PV)
  • Universal inputs & modular outputs
  • Setpoint profile programmers (8x32 segments)
  • Valve Control

Specifications & ordering info

Produkt Size Functions Number of control loops Temperature input type Linear analog input type Temperature range Features Number of event inputs Number of alarm outputs Supply voltage AC Supply voltage DC Control output Terminal Description
Temp. controller, PROplus, 1/4 DIN, (96 x 96)mm,2 x OUT option,2 x Aux OUT,1 x HT Burnout SSR fail.,2 Event I/Ps,option unit,Terminal cov.,100-240V AC
Temp. controller, PROplus, 1/4 DIN, (96 x 96)mm,2 x OUT option,2 x Aux OUT,1 x HT Burnout SSR fail.,2 Event I/Ps,option unit,Terminal cov.,24V AC/DC
Temp. controller, PROplus, 1/4 DIN, (96 x 96)mm,Pos. Prop. Control,2 x Aux OUT,2 Event I/Ps,option unit,Terminal cov.,100-240V AC
Temp. controller, PROplus,1/16 DIN, (48 x 48)mm,1 x Current OUT,2 x Aux OUT,option unit,100-240V AC
Temp. controller, PROplus,1/16 DIN, (48 x 48)mm,1 x Current OUT,2 x Aux OUT,option unit,24V AC/DC
Temp. controller, PROplus,1/16 DIN, (48 x 48)mm,1 x Pulsed voltage OUT,2 x Aux OUT,option unit,100-240V AC
Temp. controller, PROplus,1/16 DIN, (48 x 48)mm,1 x Pulsed voltage OUT,2 x Aux OUT,option unit,24V AC/DC
Temp. controller, PROplus,1/16 DIN, (48 x 48)mm,1 x Relay Out,2 x Aux OUT,option unit,100-240V AC
Temp. controller, PROplus,1/16 DIN, (48 x 48)mm,1 x Relay Out,2 x Aux OUT,option unit,24V AC/DC
Temp. controller, PROplus, Ramp/Soak temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48 mm), universal input (TC, RTD, Linear), relay output, 100 to 240 VAC
Temp. controller, PROplus,1/16 DIN, (48 x 48)mm,1 x Linear Voltg. OUT,2 x Aux OUT,option unit,100-240V AC
Temp. controller, PROplus,1/16 DIN, (48 x 48)mm,1 x Linear Voltg. OUT,2 x Aux OUT,option unit,24V AC/DC
Temp. controller, PROplus, ,1/4 DIN, (48 x 96)mm,2 x OUT option,2 x Aux OUT,1 x HT Burnout SSR fail.,2 Event I/Ps,option unit,100-240V AC
Temp. controller, PROplus, ,1/4 DIN, (48 x 96)mm,2 x OUT option,2 x Aux OUT,1 x HT Burnout SSR fail.,2 Event I/Ps,option unit,24V AC/DC
Temp. controller, PROplus, ,1/4 DIN, (48 x 96)mm,2 x OUT option,2 x Aux OUT,HT Burnout SSR Fail./3Phs.,Event I/P & Transf. OUT,option unit,100-240V AC
Temp. controller, PROplus, ,1/4 DIN, (48 x 96)mm,Pos. Prop. Control,2 x Aux OUT,Event I/P & Transf. OUT,option unit,100-240V AC
Temp. controller, PROplus, ,1/4 DIN, (48 x 96)mm,Pos. Prop. Control,2 x Aux OUT,2 Event I/Ps,option unit,100-240V AC
Temp. controller, PROplus, ,1/4 DIN, (48 x 96)mm,Pos. Prop. Control,2 x Aux OUT,2 Event I/Ps,option unit,24V AC/DC
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Faster input sampling and control period

This gives faster, more precise heater control in rapidly changing, disturbance-sensitive applications.

PV colour change

This provides crystal-clear process status, even from a distance and without the need for interpreting the values. When one of the heaters is not at set-point the PV can change colour to alert any member of staff (detecting a bad sealing at an early stage, for example). 

Loop break alarm and sensor break alarm (with forced MV option)

In plastics production the tool used to make the product is changed quite often. Frequent reconnecting of the sensor or heater can result in a wire break (a broken thermocouple, for example). These alarms quickly detect such problems in the process. 

Basic (2-step) programmer

In many thermal processes (food, brick, pottery etc.) a small element of timing is required. This feature enables you to ramp up to a set-point and set the dwell time period. At the end of this time, the process stops or continues with an indication alarm to alert the operator. With this feature, a fixed minimum or maximum curing/baking time is assured in a smooth, controlled way.


E5_N-H Brochure
enPDF 422 kB
E5_N-H Brugermanual
enPDF 5,41 MB
E5_N-H Kommunikationsmanual
enPDF 844 kB
E5_N-HPRR series Meddelelse om ophør
enPDF 1,64 MB