Timer interval indicator measuring time, passing speed or 2-point cycles
These indicators with digital input feature a clear and easy-to-use colour-change display. All models are equipped with an IP66 housing.
- Position meter indication for easy monitoring
- Optional DeviceNet, RS-232C, RS-485
- Double display, with 5 digits, in two colours
- Dimensions: H 48 x W 96 x D 100mm
Specifications & ordering info
Ordering information
No voltage contact: 30 Hz max. |
Timer interval indicator K3HB-P1 |
Up/down counting pulse indicator K3HB-C1 |
Option boards
Sensor power supply/output boards
K33-CPA 2 |
K33-L1 A 3 |
K33-L2A 2 |
K33-A 2 |
K33-FLK1 A 2 |
K33-FLK3A 2 |
Relay/transistor output boards
K34-DRT 4 |
Event input boards
Order code 5 |
Note: K32-DICN special cable accessory (for event inputs with 8-pin connector) available on request. Please contact your Omron representative.
How can we help you?
If you have a question or would like to ask for a quote, please contact us or send a request.
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Harsh environment
Control products can be subjected to harsh environments where they can be splashed during the process or covered in dust or get warm through their location. The E5CN, E5CSV, H7CX, H5CX and K3HB all feature a NEMA4X (IP66 equivalent) front panels so are suitable for the use in these applications, also the low profile fascia means that they are less prominent in the front of the panel and so less likely to become dirty.
Display mixing speed
Measuring the speed of the paddles helps to maintain the quality of the mixture. The speed is being controlled by an inverter; the K3HB-P is using pulses from the proximity sensor looking at a toothed cog. The outputs of the K3HB-P can be used for either alarms or to change the speed of the inverter, thus allowing for variations in batch volume.