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Nord Modules

NORD Shelf Cart

Applicable models
  • LD-60/90/250
  • Peripheries

The NORD Shelf Cart merges with our Quick Mover installed on the mobile robot, to receive or deliver objects placed on the Shelf Cart anywhere in the production site. The NORD Shelf Cart can be mounted with any individual application or solution the customer might wish for. Due to the design of the Shelf Cart, the AMR can recognize when it is under the cart to transport it around.

  • Deliver/pick up goods from gates.
  • Ensure accurate and easy delivery.
  • Handle all different kinds of goods.
  • Transport goods from A to B.
  • Can be expanded by a Cart Kit.
  • Automated move of goods with an Omron AMR.
  • Use standard ISO size trolley components.
  • Assembled at customer site makes delivery costs low.
  • Space of trolleys can be reduced when not in use / by return transport.
  • Shelves supports ISO modular (E.g., 200 x 200 mm/ 400 x 600 mm /600 x 800mm).
  • Save manual handling, stock- and transport costs.
  • Reduce noise from wheels with a special surface.
  • Designed for flexible heights and setting intervals (numbers) of shelves.
  • Designed for automation, AI, IOT, AMR and driverless trucks.
  • Better exposure / access to goods with sloped shelves.
  • Improves logistic processes by use of RFID-tags, GRAI- and BAR-codes.
  • It saves labour costs and enhances the efficiency and the working environment.
  • Improves functionalities and logistics at all B2B companies.
  • The unique system for mounting the shelves is patented.
More information can be found on our partner’s webpage.


Except for the specific OMRON branded products displayed on this website, OMRON is not the manufacturer nor supplier of any of the available accessories displayed herein (“Accessories”). OMRON doesn’t warrant nor shall assume any liabilities for the specifications and/or performance of any of the Accessories, which are the entire responsibility of their respective manufacturer and/or supplier identified in this website (“Partners”). OMRON shares the information on the Accessories as it has been provided by the respective Partners, and OMRON doesn’t make any representation as of the accuracy and currency of any of such information which in any case must be confirmed by the relevant Partner.

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