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The new OMRON 3D robotic vision sensor system that minimize complex manual bulk part feeding processes.

Focusing on the automated part picking solutions and by deploying an arm mounted 3D vision guided solution, we offer 3D vision system that has three main features close to human capabilities: fits in preexisting compact spaces, faster cycle time, and easy setup. 

The FH-3D Vision Sensor fits into a compact area without changing the production system layout.

Due to our optical technology, the 3D Vision Sensor has a small and light design that can be easily mount on collaborative robots. Combined with a robot, the sensor enables flexible part picking based on the positions of part trays. Besides, the 3D Vision sensor attached to the robot arms, collaborative robots, and mobile workstation can be easily transported to other locations.

Fast and flexible 3D Vision sensing technology that enable accurate part recognition.

The 3D measurement and recognition technologies enable the high-speed part detection in approximately 0.4 seconds. With the cameras installed at the robot arms, the blind spots can be reduced since the cameras can reliably detecting parts inside the bin by changing the viewpoint. 

Easy setup with the wizards guide setup picking application

To setup the 3D Vision Sensor, it can be easily done by following the instructions in the wizards. The support functions in wizard include:

  • Model Registration for part recognition and capture
  • Grasp Pose Registration for grasping object without operating the robot
  • Automatic Calibration to calibrate the camera and robot
  • Robot Setting Tool to set up the connection with the robot

  • 3d robot vision system product image 600x600px prod

    3D Vision Robotic Guidance System

  • tm20-4436 800x800px en prod

    Built for the Future of Automation

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