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FHV7-Series Smart Camera wins iF DESIGN AWARD 2020

OMRON has received the iF DESIGN AWARD for the FHV7-series Smart Camera in this year's competition.

The iF DESIGN AWARD, presented by iF International Forum Design GmbH, is one of the world's most prestigious design awards. Products are rated on uniqueness, innovation, aesthetic appearance, usefulness and eco-friendliness as well as performance, quality and price.

The FHV7-series Smart Camera convinced the 78-member jury among over 7,200 entries that were submitted from 56 countries.

In order to satisfy changing consumer needs, manufacturers need to produce diverse products at the highest quality. There is a growing demand for vision inspection to automate inspection beyond human vision and integrating inspection into existing processes.

The FHV7-series Smart Camera integrates a camera, lens, light, and vision controller for complete vision inspection. The modular structure offers flexible combination options, and the stylish and robust all-in-one body simplifies integration of vision inspection even in harsh manufacturing environments.

For more information, please visit: https://ifworlddesignguide.com/profile/7599-omron-corporation

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