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CompoNet output unit, 16 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, screw terminals


Communication port(s) CompoNet Slave
Type of module Digital I/O
I/O connection type Screw
Connection method 1-wire
Number of digital inputs 0
Digital input type None
Number of digital outputs 16
Digital output type NPN
Permitted voltage at output 0-26.4 V
Output current 0.5 A
Short-circuit protected outputs
I/O system I/O Expansion Link
Degree of protection (IP) IP20
Product Height (unpacked) 52 mm
Product Width (unpacked) 115 mm
Product Depth (unpacked) 50 mm
Product Weight (unpacked) 141 g


DCN4-TB4 CompoNet screw terminal connector, M3


CompoNet Tool v1.3 Software
en ZIP 128 MB

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