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Smart CompoNet I/O

Combining the smart features of DRT2 DeviceNet I/O and the speed and ease of use of CompoBus/S, CompoNet is ideal for high-speed machine control with a flexible and expandable architecture. The special flat cable and IDC connectors make installation quick and easy. The use of repeaters allows wide-area networks with free topology, ideal for conveyor- and warehouse automation.

  • Compact size IP20 housing
  • Expandable digital I/Os with detachable terminal blocks
  • Easy network wiring with IDC connections
  • Built-in diagnostics and preventive maintenance functions
  • Analogue I/O with data pre-processing and alarm functions

Specifications & ordering info

Produkt Type of module Linear analog input type Temperature input type Linear analog output type Digital input type Digital output type Number of analog inputs Number of analog outputs Number of digital inputs Number of digital outputs Permitted voltage at input Output current Short-circuit protected outputs I/O connection type Connection method Number of IOV (V+) terminals Number of IOG (V-) terminals I/O system Description
CompoNet analog input unit, 4 x inputs, 1-5 V, 0-5 V, 0-10 V, -10-10 V, 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA, resolution 1:6000, screw terminals
CompoNet analog output unit, 2 x inputs, 1-5 V, 0-5 V, 0-10 V, -10-10 V, resolution 1:6000, screw terminals
CompoNet input unit, 8 x 24 VDC inputs, PNP, screw terminals
CompoNet input unit, 16 x 24 VDC inputs, NPN, screw terminals
CompoNet input unit, 16 x 24 VDC inputs, PNP, screw terminals
CompoNet input unit, 16 x 24 VDC inputs, PNP, screwless terminals
CompoNet I/O unit, 8 x 24 VDC inputs PNP & 8 x transistor outputs PNP 0.5 A, screw terminals
CompoNet output unit, 8 x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, screw terminals
CompoNet output unit, 16 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, screw terminals
CompoNet output unit, 16 x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, screw terminals
CompoNet output unit, 16 x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, screwless terminals
CompoNet output unit, 16 x relay outputs 2 A, screw terminals
CompoNet bit slave unit, 1 x input, 1 x transistor output, NPN, 0.1 A / output, compact connectors
CompoNet bit slave unit, 2 x inputs, 2 x transistor output, NPN, 0.1 A / output, compact connectors
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Smart features

All Omron I/O units have built-in Smart Features that help to:

  • Reduce engineering time
  • Plan preventative maintainance
  • Increase your productivity
Take a look at one of the features below for a demonstration.


Smart I/O can store the last date on which you performed maintenance. A better overview will help you plan maintenance more efficiently.


Smart I/O units all keep track of duration and number of operations, to help you plan machine maintenance. Timely warnings to inspect and adjust the machine will minimise unplanned downtime.

Volt meter

Smart I/O monitors its own supply voltage, and will warn you if the voltage is out of safe range - e.g. due to damaged cable or poor connection.


Smart I/O can measure delays between two I/O signals with millisecond accuracy. When your preset limit is exceeded, Smart I/O will warn you that wear or lack of lubrication has reduced machine performance.


Smart Analog I/O performs data pre-processing to help you reduce PLC programming. Scaling and alarms, and even totalising or rate-of-change calculations are handled inside the unit.

Software Registration & Downloads

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På denne del af vores hjemmeside kan du registrere dine Omron-softwareprodukter. Når du har registreret dit licensnummer, får du adgang til relaterede opgraderinger og supportfiler. Derudover kan du gratis downloade flere forskellige softwareprogrammer og -værktøjer.
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