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EtherCAT analog I/O unit, 4 x analog inputs, 0 to 5 V, 1 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, 4 to 20 mA, resolution 1:8000 (full scale)


Communication port(s) EtherCAT Slave
Type of module Analog I/O
I/O connection type Screw
Number of analog inputs 4
Temperature input type None
Linear analog input type -10 to 10 V, 0 to 10 V, 0 to 5 V, 1 to 5 V, 4 to 20 mA
Resolution of the analog inputs 13 Bit
Number of analog outputs 0
Linear analog output type None
Degree of protection (IP) IP20
Product Height (unpacked) 52 mm
Product Width (unpacked) 135 mm
Product Depth (unpacked) 57.1 mm
Product Weight (unpacked) 180 g


GX-JC03 3-port EtherCAT Junction module, 24 VDC power supply
GX-JC06 6-port EtherCAT Junction module, 24 VDC power supply
GX-JC06-H 6-port EtherCAT Junction module, 24 VDC power supply, with node switches
XS6W-6LSZH8SS100CM-Y Ethernet patch cable, F/UTP, Cat.6A, LSZH (Yellow), 1 m
XS6W-6LSZH8SS500CM-Y Ethernet patch cable, F/UTP, Cat.6A, LSZH (Yellow), 5 m


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