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CJ2 PLC: High performances modular controller

Due to his high flexibility in configuration CJ2 is the ideal solution to be used in a wide range of machines in various application ranges from Packaging, Food and commodities to Digital and Automotive. Connectivity with most of the industrial communication networks in the market is a key factor to use CJ2 controller in all applications that need a data exchange between machines. Scalability between CJ2M and CJ2H CPU’s enables an exact match between functions required and HW to use to always provide a perfect ratio Price/Performance in each application. Robustness of the solution and proven quality complete the value of those products.

  • Always accessible through standard USB support
  • Standard Ethernet port with EtherNet/IP Data Link function
  • High program capacity from 5K steps up to 400K steps
  • Higher precision for machine operation and processing quality
  • Immediate refreshing of basic I/O ensures real-time processing
  • High data memory capacity of up to 832K words
  • Serial option board
  • Dedicated function block memory ensures efficient execution of function block software modules

Specifications & ordering info

Produkt Program capacity Data memory capacity Logic execution time Max. number of expansion units Max. number of local I/O points Communication port(s) Description
CPU, 50K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 4 banks EM, 2560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max.
CPU with built-in EtherNet/IP port, 50K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 4 banks EM, 2560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max.
CPU, 100K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 4 banks EM, 2560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max.
CPU with built-in EtherNet/IP port, 100K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 4 banks EM, 2560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max.
CPU, 150K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 10 banks EM, 2560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max.
CPU with built-in EtherNet/IP port, 150K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 10 banks EM, 2560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max.
CPU, 250K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 15 banks EM, 2560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max.
CPU with built-in EtherNet/IP port, 250K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 15 banks EM, 2560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max.
CPU, 400K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 25 banks EM, 2560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max.
CPU with built-in EtherNet/IP port, 400K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 25 banks EM, 2560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max.
CPU, 5K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 1 bank EM, 2560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max.
CPU, 10K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 1 bank EM, 2560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max.
CPU, 20K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 1 bank EM, 2560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max.
CPU, 30K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 4 banks EM, 2560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max.
CPU, 60K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 4 banks EM, 2560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max.
CPU with built-in EtherNet/IP port, 5K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 1 bank EM, 2560 I/O max, option port for RS-232C/485, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max.
CPU with built-in EtherNet/IP port, 10K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 1 bank EM, 2560 I/O max, option port for RS-232C/485, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max.
CPU with built-in EtherNet/IP port, 20K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 1 bank EM, 2560 I/O max, option port for RS-232C/485, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max.
CPU with built-in EtherNet/IP port, 30K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 4 banks EM, 2560 I/O max, option port for RS-232C/485, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max.
CPU with built-in EtherNet/IP port, 60K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 4 banks EM, 2560 I/O max, option port for RS-232C/485, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max.
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