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Best in class compact machine controller

When it comes to controllers for compact machines, our CP1L series offers the compactness of a micro-PLC with the capabilities of a modular PLC. It provides all the functionality you need to control your machine, including outstanding positioning capability. On top of this some CP1L models have an embedded Ethernet port with socket services functionality to give you flexible connectivity for monitoring, operating, logging and remote access. The CP1L is completed with a range of optional boards for serial communication or analogue I/O and further expansion units in case more I/O is needed. As the CP1L series shares the same architecture as the CP1H, CJ1, and CS1 series, programs are compatible for memory allocations and instructions.

Specifications & ordering info

Produkt Number of built-in digital I/Os Output type Number of Ethernet ports Supply voltage type Number of encoder input channels Max. number of PTP axes Max. number of analogue I/O channels Max. number of local I/O points Max. number of expansion units Communication port(s) Communication option(s) Description
PLC, 24 VDC supply, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x relay outputs 2 A, 2 x analog inputs, 5K steps program + 10K words data memory, 1 x Ethernet port
PLC, 24 VDC supply, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x NPN outputs 0.3 A, 2 x analog inputs, 5K steps program + 10K words data memory, 1 x Ethernet port
PLC, 24 VDC supply, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 2 x analog inputs, 5K steps program + 10K words data memory, 1 x Ethernet port
PLC, 24 VDC supply, 18 x 24 VDC inputs, 12 x relay outputs 2 A, 2 x analog inputs, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory, 1 x Ethernet port
PLC, 24 VDC supply, 18 x 24 VDC inputs, 12 x NPN outputs 0.3 A, 2 x analog inputs, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory, 1 x Ethernet port
PLC, 24 VDC supply, 18 x 24 VDC inputs, 12 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 2 x analog inputs, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory, 1 x Ethernet port
PLC, 24 VDC supply, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x relay outputs 2 A, 2 x analog inputs, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory, 1 x Ethernet port
PLC, 24 VDC supply, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x NPN outputs 0.3 A, 2 x analog inputs, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory, 1 x Ethernet port
PLC, 24 VDC supply, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 2 x analog inputs, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory, 1 x Ethernet port
PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 6 x 24 VDC inputs, 4 x relay outputs 2 A, 5K steps program + 10K words data memory
PLC, 24 VDC supply, 6 x 24 VDC inputs, 4 x relay outputs 2 A, 5K steps program + 10K words data memory
PLC, 24 VDC supply, 6 x 24 VDC inputs, 4 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 5K steps program + 10K words data memory
PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 8 x 24 VDC inputs, 6 x relay outputs 2 A, 5K steps program + 10K words data memory
PLC, 24 VDC supply, 8 x 24 VDC inputs, 6 x relay outputs 2 A, 5K steps program + 10K words data memory
PLC, 24 VDC supply, 8 x 24 VDC inputs, 6 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 5K steps program + 10K words data memory
PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x relay outputs 2 A, 5K steps program + 10K words data memory
PLC, 24 VDC supply, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x relay outputs 2 A, 5K steps program + 10K words data memory
PLC, 24 VDC supply, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 5K steps program + 10K words data memory
PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 18 x 24 VDC inputs, 12 x relay outputs 2 A, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory
PLC, 24 VDC supply, 18 x 24 VDC inputs, 12 x relay outputs 2 A, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory
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CP-series CP1E CPU Units Datablad
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