Create serial communications protocols to communicate with standard serial devices
CX-Protocol creates data communications procedures (protocol macros) to exchange data between standard serial devices and the PLC (Serial Communication Unit or Board).
- Integrated into CX-One, Omron's universal software suite
- Easy developing of communication protocols
- Trace function allows the user to determine which messages were transmitted or received in each step number
- Supports error check code calculation, frame length calculation during transmission processes, and numeric data conversion between ASCII and hexadecimal
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Simultaneous display of tree (hierarchical) view and list (table) view
The CX-Protocol displays data in the form of a tree in the left pane, which gives you easier understanding of the hierarchical structure of data you are setting/monitoring.
Object-oriented operation
Double-clicking target data, instead of choosing from menus, opens its corresponding pop-up dialog, which enables you to create protocols quickly without a thorough understanding of operation menus.
Supplied standard system protocols
Data exchange protocols for Omron’s components (Temperature Controllers, Panel Meters, Bar Code Readers, Modems, and so on) are included as standard system protocols. Notice that those standard system protocols are included also in the PMSU.
Possible to trace send/receive message
By executing the trace function from the CX-Protocol, the PMSU can trace and save chronological data of send/receive messages up to 670 bytes for the C200HX/HG/HE and up to 1,700 bytes for the CS/CJ. Each data item can be displayed and printed for reading and saved as a trace file.