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MicroHAWK F430-F Smart Camera

MicroHAWK F430-F Smart Camera

  • Simple configuration with AutoVISION.
  • 5 megapixel sensor available.
  • Autofocus available.
  • Alternate LED configuration available.
  • Smallest in class.
  • IP65 / IP67.
  • Ethernet TCP/IP, Ethernet/IP, ProfiNET I/O

Specifications & ordering info

Produkt Number of pixels Camera type Autofocus Focus distance Focal length Field of view (width) Frame rate Shutter type Illumination Software option(s) Image width Image height Communication port(s) Degree of protection (IP) Application Description
F430 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, High brightness red ring light, AutoVISION, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67
F430 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Long range, Autofocus 75-1200 mm, High brightness red light, AutoVISION, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67
F430 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Long range, Autofocus 75-1200 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67
F430 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Long range, Autofocus 75-1200 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67
F430 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Long range, Autofocus 75-1200 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67
F430 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Long range, Autofocus 75-1200 mm, Red light, AutoVISION, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67
F430 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Long range, Autofocus 75-1200 mm, Red light, AutoVISION Sensor, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67
F430 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Long range, Autofocus 75-1200 mm, Red light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67
F430 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Long range, Autofocus 75-1200 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67
F430 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Long range, Autofocus 75-1200 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67
F430 Smart Camera, 1.2 MP monochrome, Long range, Autofocus 75-1200 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67
F430 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67
F430 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION Sensor, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67
F430 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, No outer light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67
F430 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, Red light, AutoVISION, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67
F430 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, Red light, AutoVISION Sensor, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67
F430 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, Red light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67
F430 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, White light, AutoVISION, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67
F430 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, White light, AutoVISION Sensor, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67
F430 Smart Camera, 0.3 MP monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, White light, AutoVISION+Visionscape, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67
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AutoVISION - Machine Vision, Simplified

  • Easiest software available for beginners  to machine vision experts
  • Simplifies common machine vision applications
  • Intuitive navigation with instant automated feedback to facilitate installation, setup and use 
  • Scalable to more complex applications
  • Comprehensive tool set
  • Built in emulator for testing on stored images
  • Built in WebHMI for easy monitoring.

Web browser interface for easy integration

The WebMonitor software pre-installed in the smart camera allows you to view inspection status simply by connecting your tablet or PC that has web browser.

AutoVISION: 30+ High-Level Machine Vision Tools

3 Software Licenses Available

S License – AutoVISION Sensor - Includes the AutoVISION machine vision tools. 
Locate, Count, Presence/Absence, Measure, Logic, 

A License – Full AutoVISION. + Code Reading, OCR, Code Verification, OCV, String Match/Format.

V License – Full AutoVISION and Visionscape. Allows use of Front Runner with 106 standard Machine Vision tools.


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