Expandable safety relay unit
G9SA-family offers a complete line-up of compact and expandable safety relay units. Modules with safe OFF-delay timing are available as well as a two-hand controller. Simple multiplication of safety contacts is possible by using the connection on the front.
- 45mm-wide housing, expansion units are 17.5mm wide
- Safe OFF-delay timer
- Simple expansion connection
- Certification up to PLe according to EN ISO 13849-1 depending on the application
Specifications & ordering info
Ordering information
Emergency-stop units
Emergency-stop OFF-delay units
Two-hand controller
Expansion unit
The expansion unit connects to a G9SA-301, G9SA-501, G9SA-321, or G9SA-TH301.
Expansion units with OFF-delay outputs
The expansion unit connects to a G9SA-301, G9SA-501, G9SA-321, or G9SA-TH301.
Power input
24 VAC/VDC: 24 VAC, 50/60 Hz, or 24 VDC |
Response time 1 |
Operating: -25 to 55°C (with no icing or condensation) |
How can we help you?
If you have a question or would like to ask for a quote, please contact us or send a request.
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