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The standalone safety controller

The G9SP safety controller provides all local safety in- and outputs and controls the safety application. Standard in- and outputs can be directly connected and diagnosis information is provided via Serial or Ethernet interface.

  • Three CPU-types to suit different applications
  • Clear diagnosis and monitoring via Ethernet or Serial connection
  • Memory cassette for easy duplication of configuration
  • Unique programming software to support easy design, verification, standardization and reusage of the program
  • Certified according to PLe (EN ISO 13849-1) and SIL 3 (IEC 61508)

Specifications & ordering info

Ordering information



Appearance description

Order code

safety controller

10 PNP safety inputs
4 PNP safety outputs
4 test outputs
4 PNP standard outputs


10 PNP safety inputs
16 PNP safety outputs
6 test outputs


20 PNP safety inputs
8 PNP safety outputs
6 test outputs





Applicable OS

Order code


Setup disk 1 license

Windows 2000
Windows XP
Windows Vista
Windows 7


Setup disk 10 licenses


Setup disk 50 licenses


Setup disk Site license


Expansion units (standard I/O)



Number of I/O




Expansion I/O unit



8 (solid state)




8 (solid state)




32 (solid state)




32 (solid state)


I/O Connecting cable, 80 cm long


G9SP configuration

Option units


Order code

RS-232 option board


Ethernet option board (Ver. 2.0 or later)


Memory cassette


G9SP Status Display Touchscreen with 1.8 m cable

82614-0010 H-T40M-P

G9SP-N10S Display Kit (G9SP, Touchscreen, cable, CP1W-CIF01)

82612-0010 G9SP-N10S-SDK

G9SP-N10D Display Kit (G9SP, Touchscreen, cable, CP1W-CIF01)

82612-0020 G9SP-N10D-SDK

G9SP-N20S Display Kit (G9SP, Touchscreen, cable, CP1W-CIF01)

82612-0030 G9SP-N20S-SDK

G9SP-N10S kit with EtherNet/IP module

82608-0010 G9SP-N10S-EIP

G9SP-N10D kit with EtherNet/IP module

82608-0020 G9SP-N10D-EIP

G9SP-N20S kit with EtherNet/IP module

82608-0030 G9SP-N20S-EIP


General specifications

Power supply voltage

20.4 to 26.4 VDC
(24 VDC -15% +10%)

Consumption current


400 mA
(V1: 300 mA, V2: 100 mA)


500 mA
(V1: 300 mA, V2: 200 mA)


500 mA
(V1: 400 mA, V2: 100 mA)

Mounting method

35-mm DIN track

Ambient operating temperature

0°C to 55°C

Ambient storage temperature

-20°C to 75°C

Degree of protection

IP20 (IEC 60529)

Safety input specifications

Input type

Sinking inputs (PNP)

ON voltage

11 VDC min. between each input terminal and G1

OFF voltage

5 VDC max. between each input terminal and G1

OFF current

1 mA max.

Input current

6 mA

Safety output specifications

Output type

Sourcing outputs (PNP)

Rated output current

0.8 A max. per output*

Residual voltage

1.2 V max. between each output terminal and V2

Test output specifications

Output type

Sourcing outputs (PNP)

Rated output current

0.3 A max. per output*

Residual voltage

1.2 V max. between each output terminal and V1

Standard output specifications (G9SP-N10S)

Output type

Sourcing outputs (PNP)

ON Residual voltage

1.5 V max. (between each output terminal and V2)

Rated output current

100 mA max.*

*For details on the rated output current, please refer to the user manual of G9SP.





G9SP configuration tool

*For details on the rated output current, please refer to the user manual of G9SP.

How can we help you?

If you have a question or would like to ask for a quote, please contact us or send a request.

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g9sp software tool prod

G9SP configuration tool

  • Easy configuration: All safety functions are ready to use in the G9SP. Certified function blocks can be easily selected in the graphical user interface and customised to fit your application. 
  • Simulation: All functions can be tested and simulated in the Configuration Tool, so there’s no unnecessary additional workload for the engineer. In addition, on-line diagnosis reduces debug time to a minimum during implementation in the machine control system.  
  • Knowledge-building: Existing configurations are the basis for new projects. The G9SP Configuration Tool supports re-use of existing and proven know-how in safety control, as well as user-defined function blocks. Which means no more repetition of effort, instead a growing library of safety solutions.
  • User-defined function blocks: Approved configuration elements such as a tested door monitoring solution can be easily stored as a user defined function block and re-used in future projects. This minimises the time it takes to create a new system configuration.


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